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Introduction to medicinal use of vitamins

Vitamins are organic compounds that are crucial to human beings and other living organisms. We all need these Vitamins in our bodies. They play an important role inside us, as they offer many advantages that have significant effects on our health. Vitamins can be categorized in two ways:fat-soluble and water-soluble. Vitamins A, D, E, and K belong to the fat-soluble category

Vitamin D

Vitamin D belongs to the fat soluble category. It is stored in the liver and fatty tissues of our bodies which means that increased percentage of body fat can absorb vitamin D. It has different characteristics from other vitamins because our body makes enough of it on its own without depending on food items. While the basically stored in our body, vitamin D is mobilized by the sunlight. The main sources of Vitamin D include: fishes such as halibut, mackerel, carp fish, eel, salmon, white fish, rainbow trout, swordfish, sardines, tuna, and oil from the liver of cod. Vitamin D can prevent the free radicals thereby limiting the development of cancer. Vitamin D is also responsible for strengthening our immune system preventing infections like Covid-19.

This course will provide a clear and detailed insight into the various types of vitamins and their uses.

Course Duration: 2 weeks


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